After reading and watching helplessly the recent massacre of minority Burmese Muslims by the Buddhist majority, let not another hypocrite sing that phoney and repugnant 'song' about Buddhists being "peaceful."
In June 2012, hundreds Burmese Muslims have been butchered, and many more injured and made homeless in Burma as a result religious intolerance by the Buddhist majority.The Burmese military government, far from trying to resolve the problem and protect the minority, has been silently conniving with the rioters by creating greater hardships for the Muslim minority.
The reason of this June 2012 riot is unknown except for the periodical outbursts of the Burmese Buddhists to show their might and vent their anger on the helpless minority. It is commonly accepted that the June 2012 massacre of Burmese Muslims was intentionally orchestrated by the rioters in collaboration with the government. Yet the world, including the UN, is conveniently silent. The brazenly hypocritical and unscrupulous woman, Aung San Suu Kyi, is very prompt at accusing the Burmese military of human rights violations when she is under house arrest. But she finds nothing wrong when the military helps the Buddhist mobs to murder the innocent Muslim minority of her country.
As in India, anti-Muslim riots are nothing unusual in Burma. Violence in Burma against Muslims have been erupting periodically since the 1920s based simply on religious intolerance by the Buddhist majority.
The Muslims of Burma mainly belong to the Arakan state in western Burma. They are known as Rohingya or Burmese Muslims. The term "Rohingya" has been derived from the Arabic word "Raham" meaning sympathy. Muslim settlements began being established in the Arakan province of Burma since the arrival of the Arabs in the 8th century. Presently about 800,000 Rohingya live in Burma. The United Nations describes them as "one of the world’s most persecuted minorities." Yet it has never bothered to help them.
Religious freedom for Muslims in Burma has been systematically curbed. In the post 9/11 era, random accusations of "terrorism" against Muslims have become a common form of persecution and harassment by Burmese Buddhists. Burmese Government does not consider Rohingya Muslims as citizens and they are hated by the Buddhist majority. Rohingya Muslims in Burma have long demanded recognition as an indigenous ethnic group with full citizenship by birthright. But the Government regards them as illegal immigrants from neighboring Bangladesh and denies them citizenship.
"Nobel Prize winner," Aung San Suu Kyi, does not consider Muslims as citizens. Speaking at London School of Economics meeting on June 2012 during her visit to the UK, she said "Rohingya Muslims should not be considered citizens." Later during her press conference at Downing Street, she did not condemn the killings of Rohingya Muslims taking place in Burma. Instead, she simply said that this "ethnic conflict should be investigated and dealt with wisdom." It wasn't just an insufficient response but a very shocking one from someone supposed to have won a "Noble Peace Prize."
The notorious master hypocrite and undercover CIA agent, Dalai Lama, continues to globe trot without mentioning a single word of the dangerously growing Buddhist intolerance in Burma, Thailand, Tibet and across the world. Such intolerance and persecution invariably result in resistance by the oppressed. Many Muslims have joined armed resistance groups, fighting for greater freedom in Burma.
On June 3rd 2012, eight Muslims returning to Rangoon in a bus after visiting a Masjid in the Arakan province were attacked by a mob of hundreds of Buddhists and slaughtered brutally. An eye-witness reported that after the mass murder "the culprits were celebrating triumph spitting and tossing wine and alcohol on the dead bodies lying on the road."
"These innocent people have been killed like animals," said Abu Tahay, of the National Democratic Party for Development, which represents the country’s much-persecuted stateless Muslim Rohingya community.
The Rohingya Muslims of Burma have continued to suffer from human rights violations under the Burmese junta since 1970s. Over the years thousands of Rohingya refugees have fled to neighboring countries like Thailand, Indonesia and Bangladesh etc. Even as refugees they have been facing hardships and have suffered persecution by the Thai government. In February 2009, a group of 5 boats packed with Burmese Rohingya Muslims were taken out and abandoned in the open sea by the Thai army. Four of these boats sank in a storm and one was washed ashore near the Indonesian islands. The few survivors who were rescued by Indonesian authorities told horrific stories of being captured and beaten by the Thai military and then abandoned at open sea.
Being "peaceful" or "humble" (as claimed by their biased supporters) is a far cry concerning the Burmese Buddhists. Their vindictive temperament prowls for vendetta, waiting to use even the most insignificant occurrence as an excuse to perpetrate violence on Burmese Muslims. At any time, if there's some ethnic disturbance between Muslims and Buddhists/Hindus in any other country, the Burmese Buddhists waste no time going on a murderous spry killing the Muslim minority in Burma. If there is the slightest of trouble between Muslims and non-Muslims in Indonesia, it's taken as a pretext to kill Muslims in Burma by Buddhist mobs. The destruction of the statues in Bamiyan (Afghanistan), created an immediate excuse to commit violence against Muslims in Burma in 2001. The firebrand Buddhist monks demanded a Muslim masjid to be destroyed in retaliation. Mobs of Buddhists led by monks, vandalized Muslim-owned businesses and property in Burma, and attacked and killed Muslims in Muslim communities.
Gruesome images of murdered Rohingya Muslims in the recent June 2012 riots in Burma have been circulated on websites, resulting in protests in several Muslim countries and by various human rights activists around the world demanding justice & protection in Burma for the minority, but has fallen on deaf ears as usual, getting little or no coverage from mainstream news channels.
"Or think you that you will enter Paradise without such
(trials) as came to those who passed away before you?
They were afflicted with severe poverty and ailments
and were so shaken that even the Messenger and those
who believed along with him said, "When (will come) the
Help of Allâh?" Yes! Certainly, the Help of Allâh is near!" -Holy Qur'an 2:14.
Saturday, 4 August 2012
Thursday, 2 August 2012
Tarkan - DuDu
Salam. I always intended to tell others how much I love a song which i have been hearing for 4 years on daily basis and still don't seem to get bored of listening to it. Well its obviously "DuDu" Of Tarkan. Let me tell u little about Tarkan. He is a turkish singer and he sings turkish still He was called by many western musicians and producers to launch an english album. Have u ever heard such a rare news b4 that someone likes a music so much even though he does not understand the lyrics.
Tarkan rose to fame when he released his song "Dudu" which means Women. Its beat is so excellent that i never got sick of this song till now. Even Bollywood's copy cat Pritam has stolen this song. Whenever i listen to this song i feel like im listening to it for the very first time. I do not know why. Here i have written Lyrics of this song by my own :)
Lyrics : Cant be separation without the crying, Memories won't stay well behaved, He ones left behind carry the ones that go, In their hearts, love isn't a burden to those who love This is how we know it - this is how we live it ooooooooo oooooooo she knows it as well ooooooooo oooooooo she's in love as well ooooooooo oooooooo Knowing all she's defiant against love, She does as she pleases anyway.
Fresh as a flower valuable, the one and only, As pure as mothers milk should drink her, Pleasant speaking tongue, Her eyes are the likes of the sea and oceans, This heart of mine is letting her get away with things, Is always hovering around her, She's so spoilt,
whatever it does (the heart) she overlooks it stubbornly, she makes you brood over, ooooo oooooooo, she's strongly desiring it aswell, ooooo oooooooo, (i can't make out what she says here) ooooooooo oooooooo knowing all she's defiant against love, she does as she pleases anyway,
don't take notice of me laughing (don't believe i'm happy, see it - hear it - but don't believe it, I'm shattered, my heart is, in ten thousand pieces, with every breath I takeat every step I take, if only my life/my darling could be here, with me now, fresh as a flower,
valuable, the one and only, as pure as mothers milk, should drink her, pleasant speaking tongue, her eyes are the likes of the sea and oceans, threw all my, sorrows/worries inside (kept them inside), t's my right to live like anyone else, (two lines here i couldn't make out also), it's possible that it could rain everyday ,
People do make mistakes , Perhaps if we hold on to each other, The sun may rise Again.
Friday, 27 July 2012
The Halal Debate: From Neutral To Kosher In 3 Seconds
Can a Muslim entertain meat in the Christian world ?. I have read the fatwas of the renowned muftis on this topic and frankly, they are not very convincing. Their desperate efforts to raise doubts, conjuring-up vague associations and rigging together unsubstantiated suppositions, leads me to believe that good intentions, over time, have ballooned into needlessly burdensome rituals.
I will present my case for it. It certainly isn't the last word on the subject. Let us lay out the facts first. Most scholars cite these two verses from the Quran. I will cite the relevant ayats.
In the chronological order of their revelation:
Surah Al An'am [6:121]:
"And do not eat of that upon which the name of Allah has not been mentioned, for indeed, it is grave disobedience".
Surah Al Ma'idah [5:5]:
"This day [all] good foods have been made lawful, and the food of those who were given the Scripture is lawful for you and your food is lawful for them. And [lawful in marriage are] chaste women from among the believers and chaste women from among those who were given the Scripture before you".
Then we have the oft-quoted hadith narrated by Hazrat Ayesha (RZT): Some people said, "O Allah's Apostle! meat is brought to us by some people and we are not sure whether the name of Allah has been mentioned on it or not (at the time of slaughtering the animals)." Allah's Apostle said (to them), "Mention the name of Allah [Bismillah] and eat it." [Sahi Bukhari #1935.]
There are three basic variables in the halal argument. (1) What meat is it ? (2) Who prepared it ? (3) How was it prepared ? (4) If you are unsure, what to do ?.
The sort and condition of permissable meats are clearly enunciated in Surah Al Ma'idah [5:3]. Any meat which falls into the permissable category, prepared by draining the blood by Ahl-e-Kitaab (People of the Books) is lawful for Muslims and vice versa. Unless, during preparations the Ahl-e-Kitab (or Muslim) was sitting in the back, going "Satan! Satan!" on each chicken, goat or cattle he was carving. That would of course, make it non-kosher. But what if this guy was listening to his iPod and thinking of his date that night, while slaughtering these animals ?.
That, would make it neutral meat, or fill-in-the-blanks meat.
What do you do with that meat on your table ?. It is the right meat, handled the right way, by the right guy, only it has yet to be labeled. This is probably the most common predicament, when sitting down to eat meat in the west. That's where we apply the lesson from the hadith above. You say "Bismillah" and that neutral meat becomes kosher meat. Ready to eat.
Of course, this does not absolve you of taking all precautions and avoiding eating in places where you are sure that they are cooking porky-the-pig, right besides the hamburger you ordered. Just like you don't go back to the KFC where the big black chick was digging boogers out of her nose at the fryer. It's just common sense and hygiene. Minimize risk as much you can. To your body and your soul.
And if you are one of the faithfuls who just cannot bring him/herself to enjoy meats outside of their zabeeha-ordained homes, then more power to you. I am just too weak for that kind of monastic discipline and self-denial, when clear and simple instructions (OK, rationalizations) are available.
And let's not forget the other ayats from Surah Al An'am [6:118-6:119]:
"So eat of that [meat] upon which the name of Allah has been mentioned, if you are believers in His verses. And why should you not eat of that upon which the name of Allah has been mentioned while He has explained in detail to you what He has forbidden you, excepting that to which you are compelled. And indeed do many lead [others] astray through their [own] inclinations without knowledge. Indeed, your Lord - He is most knowing of the transgressors".
You are not making me one of the transgressors.
I will present my case for it. It certainly isn't the last word on the subject. Let us lay out the facts first. Most scholars cite these two verses from the Quran. I will cite the relevant ayats.
In the chronological order of their revelation:
Surah Al An'am [6:121]:
"And do not eat of that upon which the name of Allah has not been mentioned, for indeed, it is grave disobedience".
Surah Al Ma'idah [5:5]:
"This day [all] good foods have been made lawful, and the food of those who were given the Scripture is lawful for you and your food is lawful for them. And [lawful in marriage are] chaste women from among the believers and chaste women from among those who were given the Scripture before you".
Then we have the oft-quoted hadith narrated by Hazrat Ayesha (RZT): Some people said, "O Allah's Apostle! meat is brought to us by some people and we are not sure whether the name of Allah has been mentioned on it or not (at the time of slaughtering the animals)." Allah's Apostle said (to them), "Mention the name of Allah [Bismillah] and eat it." [Sahi Bukhari #1935.]
There are three basic variables in the halal argument. (1) What meat is it ? (2) Who prepared it ? (3) How was it prepared ? (4) If you are unsure, what to do ?.
The sort and condition of permissable meats are clearly enunciated in Surah Al Ma'idah [5:3]. Any meat which falls into the permissable category, prepared by draining the blood by Ahl-e-Kitaab (People of the Books) is lawful for Muslims and vice versa. Unless, during preparations the Ahl-e-Kitab (or Muslim) was sitting in the back, going "Satan! Satan!" on each chicken, goat or cattle he was carving. That would of course, make it non-kosher. But what if this guy was listening to his iPod and thinking of his date that night, while slaughtering these animals ?.
That, would make it neutral meat, or fill-in-the-blanks meat.
What do you do with that meat on your table ?. It is the right meat, handled the right way, by the right guy, only it has yet to be labeled. This is probably the most common predicament, when sitting down to eat meat in the west. That's where we apply the lesson from the hadith above. You say "Bismillah" and that neutral meat becomes kosher meat. Ready to eat.
Of course, this does not absolve you of taking all precautions and avoiding eating in places where you are sure that they are cooking porky-the-pig, right besides the hamburger you ordered. Just like you don't go back to the KFC where the big black chick was digging boogers out of her nose at the fryer. It's just common sense and hygiene. Minimize risk as much you can. To your body and your soul.
And if you are one of the faithfuls who just cannot bring him/herself to enjoy meats outside of their zabeeha-ordained homes, then more power to you. I am just too weak for that kind of monastic discipline and self-denial, when clear and simple instructions (OK, rationalizations) are available.
And let's not forget the other ayats from Surah Al An'am [6:118-6:119]:
"So eat of that [meat] upon which the name of Allah has been mentioned, if you are believers in His verses. And why should you not eat of that upon which the name of Allah has been mentioned while He has explained in detail to you what He has forbidden you, excepting that to which you are compelled. And indeed do many lead [others] astray through their [own] inclinations without knowledge. Indeed, your Lord - He is most knowing of the transgressors".
You are not making me one of the transgressors.
Thursday, 19 July 2012
Tuesday, 17 July 2012
The First Important lesson in High school
Well Its gonna be my first post. Today i relate you an event of my life when i learnt something really good. When i was in high school. I really annoyed my fellow. I always made up new tricks to make fun of him. One day while we were talking about random girls (lol yeah our favourite topic to discuss) This thought suddenly came to my mind. I told my friend to show me his hand because my father is a palmist and he teaches me some skills of palmistry. He said ok tell me what do u see? I look for a while and with an *evil grin* told him that "brother !! ur life is at risk. I see ur hand lines getting disappeared. It means ur gonna die with in few days. I thought he would start laughing but he actually started weeping. Oh my God !! like a 2 years old baby crying for milk. I was like "damn it, Now what to do". His weeping was getting louder and louder ROFL When i got no idea i just said him to go out with me (we were having lunch break for 20 minutes) I took him to juice shop and that noob actually ordered the most expensive juice from the menu list without telling me. When i was drinking i was like "Dude, U should have ordered another one for both of us. Its so delicious." I never knew he actually ordered 2 more. We quenched our thirst to fill and i asked for the bill. When bill was presented i got a mini heart attack. DUDE !! WTF ? 2 thousand rupees ? My friend now seemed laughing with pauses. I could not even say anything bcz acc to me i had reputation in front of the owner of juice shop :P I gave him money with a smiling face but inside i was enraged like "Ghost Rider" On that day i learnt a moral lesson not to play with people feelings or annoy them. Not because they get hurt :P Because i do not want to lose more money on freaks -____- Well because of my stupid joke, i had to compensate my loss by pressing cloths of my father and vaccumed my mother's room for a month. Now Is there any need for a "Face-Palm" ?? Yeah. so here it goes THE GIANT FACEPALM :P
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